Tits and Blood
Made you read on, didn’t it?
That’s the point. If I called it “Flat caps and Barbours”, you might not have got this far. But, no, you’ve proved them right. You’ve been programmed to respond to sex and violence, so you’re still here.
Policing and the media in this country are like a marriage made in Vegas. A union consummated after a vodka-laced night out and some mention of a wager. Most days it’s like the morning after. A pulsing head, vague recollections of the re-appearance of Elvis and a nagging ‘what have I done’ feeling after you closely examine your bed-fellow in the cold light of day.
The media is now considered a useful tool in our fight against crime. So much so that even our Small Corner of the Throbbing Metropolis employs a press officer.
Fat lot of good it did us at the Pro-Hunt demo.
I know the demo isn’t actually ‘news’ anymore. It just demonstrates my point quite well.
The media knew it wasn’t all going to be sweetness and light, with well-heeled gentry-folk shouting “BOO-HISS” at anyone with a cheesy grin and a red tie seen wandering around Westminster. They were there in force.
All the dailies and Sundays were represented. Every rolling news channel had cameras up in high vantage points. Some enterprising person had even hired a helicopter to film from.
I had a reasonable vantage point too. It was like South Central LA (with plummy accents and without the guns). Judging from the language directed at me personally. I think I must look like an MP who was about to vote in favour of the ban.
There were thousands of people there demonstrating about an issue they felt strongly about.
Despite this, what do we all remember from the media coverage?
That’s right. A ROCK STAR’S son running aimlessly around the chamber. A BLOKE IN TIGHTS falling on his backside. A man who had a BLOODY head injury being tended to by a POLICE OFFICER. EXPLOSIONS caused by thunder-flashes. An ATTRACTIVE YOUNG LADY showing her BREASTS beneath a banner (she was very popular).
Any one of the above makes an average ‘news’ story. To have them all at the same time is a media wet dream.
Important issues anyone?
Nah, Tits and Blood that’s what sells.