A Surfeit Of Surveys
I’m not the only one seeking answers.
The ‘Together’ Team are at it too.
I’ve recently received my eagerly awaited copy of their Values Consultation questionnaire. If you haven’t yet got your copy, please seek one out. For those of you that have them, think twice before you reach for the ‘delete’ key. Your opinion is important. Someone’s promotion may rely on it.
In urging my colleagues to have their anonymous say, I’ve been met by a few puzzled looks. I agree it is a bit wordy. To assist you I’ve translated the first (of six) sections into Job-speak. Just to give you the general idea.
This is the section titled:-
“We will commit to Open and Honest Dialogue”
Who sniggered? You’re not helping.
In common with all six sections, the next line reads:-
“In living this value, we will:”
Now, I know it’s not a very good start. This one had me stumped. I had to resort to feeling lucky on a search engine. It directed me to the Vision, Mission and Values page of the Vancouver Hospital. That cleared it up nicely.
“Allow for open and honest feedback”
Bollockings are to be encouraged.
“Encourage challenge, including upwards, to ensure that our behaviour is consistent”
Your chance to tell your boss what you really think of him/her. If you don’t like your job.
“Accept criticism”
See above re feedback.
“Ensure all staff feel comfortable in expressing themselves without fear”
See above re encouraging challenge.
“Be transparent in our information, policies and processes”
‘Don’t tell them your name Pike’ is now a banned phrase. Expect to have to explain the intricacies of the Ways and Means Act too.
“Allow space for dialogue about mistakes to help us learn from them”
Your open and honest feedback is to be scheduled. Ad-hoc criticism is now banned.
“Explain the good and the bad”
No. I don’t know what Clint Eastwood movie reviews have to do with the modern Police Service either. Maybe The ‘Together’ Team are fans?
“Ensure that our structures and processes reflect our values.”
Erm… This one is obvious. You don’t need me.
“Be able to say sorry”
If you have trouble with the ‘s’ word. Try ‘we regret’ instead.
“Communicate everything, not just our failures”
The boys and girls at ‘The Job’ are all over this one.
I hope you’ve been keeping up; it’s your turn now. You have four questions to answer:-
Q1. To what extent do you agree that THIS value is relevant to our goal of Working Together for a Safer London?
To assist you there are the usual five options from ‘Strongly Agree’ to ‘Strongly Disagree’. ‘Bugger All’ is not one of the choices.
Q2. How important is THIS value to you?
Options again I’m afraid.
Q3. To what extent do you agree that the MPS is currently living THIS value?
You guessed it.
Q4. If you have any further comments regarding THIS value, please write them below:
At last.
A free text box.
Bugger away, if you must.
After all, it is anonymous.